Best WWE Matches Of All Time (2024)

Table of Contents
UPDATE: 2024/05/30 14:30 EST BY ANDREW KELLY 25 Brock Lesnar Vs. John Cena Vs. Seth Rollins, WWE Royal Rumble 2015 WWE Offered Up One Of Their Best Triple Threat Matches 24 Andrade Almas Vs. Johnny Gargano, NXT TakeOver: Philadelphia Pure Greatness Between The Ropes 23 John Cena Vs. CM Punk, WWE RAW 02/25/2013 One Of RAW's Greatest Ever Matches 22 The Rock Vs. Hulk Hogan, WWE WrestleMania 18 An Example Of Pure Sports Entertainment 21 The Rock Vs. Steve Austin, WWE WrestleMania 17 One Of The Most Iconic WrestleMania Main Events 20 Sami Zayn Vs. Shinsuke Nakamura, NXT TakeOver: Dallas 2016 Nakamura's WWE Debut Was A Spectacle 19 The Wyatt Family Vs. The Shield, Elimination Chamber 2014 Two Great Factions Went Wild In 2014 18 Mankind Vs. The Undertaker, King Of The Ring 1998 One Of The Most Infamous Matches In Wrestling 17 WALTER Vs. Tyler Bate, NXT TakeOver Cardiff 2019 WWE's Best David Vs. Goliath Match 16 Razor Ramon Vs. Shawn Michaels, WWE WrestleMania 10 The First Ever Ladder Match Was Fantastic 15 Shawn Michaels Vs. The Undertaker, Bad Blood 1997 First Hell In A Cell Match In WWE History 14 The Revival Vs. DIY, NXT TakeOver Toronto 2016 A Thrilling Tag Team Clash In NXT 13 Triple H Vs. Cactus Jack, Royal Rumble 2000 Violent Masterclass Between Attitude Era Rivals 12 Kurt Angle Vs. Shawn Michaels, WrestleMania 21 Dream Match Which Delivered At WrestleMania 11 Gunther Vs. Drew McIntyre Vs. Sheamus, WrestleMania 39 2023's Best Match Was A War Between Powerhouses 10 Shawn Michaels Vs. Chris Jericho - WrestleMania 19 Storied Rivals Put On A WrestleMania Clinic 9 Sasha Banks Vs. Bayley - NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn 2015 One Of The Most Important Women's Matches In WWE History 8 Edge & Christian Vs. Dudley Boyz Vs. Hardy Boyz - WrestleMania 17 The First Ever TLC Match Was A Car Crash For The Ages 7 Johnny Gargano Vs. Tommaso Ciampa, NXT TakeOver: New Orleans 2018 The Most Violent And Hard-Hitting PG Era Match 6 Bret Hart Vs. Owen Hart, WrestleMania 10 WrestleMania's Greatest Opening Match References

For a company with decades of rich history, monthly PPVs since the 1990s, forty years worth of WrestleMania, and housing most of the biggest professional wrestling stars of all time, picking the best matches in WWE history is painfully difficult to do.


Jeff Hardy's 10 Best WWE Matches, Definitively Reviewed

Jeff Hardy took the WWE by storm, putting on iconic matches as a tag team with his brother Matt, and as a singles star.

However, there are some matches which are unanimously among the very best and most elite WWE bouts. Of course, this will perhaps be one of the most subjective topics among WWE fans, but all of these matches have earned the right to at least be in the conversation. WWE has played host to countless classics over the years, with there being many candidates for the top spot.

UPDATE: 2024/05/30 14:30 EST BY ANDREW KELLY

With how much content is churned out by WWE on a weekly basis for so many years, it can be very difficult to group together the best matches of all time without there being just as many glaring omissions. For this reason, it makes sense to go back and look at even more of WWE's greatest matches of all time. This latest look takes matches from different eras involving legendary former world champions like The Rock, Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin, Brock Lesnar, John Cena, and CM Punk. Whether it be the main event of WrestleMania or a match on RAW, the greats can always pull out iconic matchups.

25 Brock Lesnar Vs. John Cena Vs. Seth Rollins, WWE Royal Rumble 2015

WWE Offered Up One Of Their Best Triple Threat Matches



Match Length

Brock Lesnar defeated John Cena & Seth Rollins

WWE Royal Rumble 2015


It can be hard to master the concept of a triple threat match, but the WWE Title clash between Brock Lesnar, John Cena, and Seth Rollins was about as perfect as you'll ever see.

All three contrasting styles meshed perfectly here, with Lesnar looking like a brute monster, Cena as the classic superman babyface, and Rollins as a snidey heel taking shortcuts. The resutling match had a great pace, lots of excitement, and unpredictability.

24 Andrade Almas Vs. Johnny Gargano, NXT TakeOver: Philadelphia

Pure Greatness Between The Ropes



Match Length

Andrade Almas defeated Johnny Gargano

NXT TakeOver: Philadelphia


From an in-ring perspective alone, this match sits above most throughout WWE history. The technical wrestling, the fluid sequences, the high flying, the selling, and more were all absolutely spot on, and it had the privilege of being WWE's first five-star match for over five years.

The NXT crowd were their usual electric selves, adding to this wonderful NXT Championship classic which deserves to be included in the conversation for greatest ever in-ring bouts a lot more.

23 John Cena Vs. CM Punk, WWE RAW 02/25/2013

One Of RAW's Greatest Ever Matches



Match Length

John Cena defeated CM Punk

WWE RAW 02/25/2013


CM Punk and John Cena had more than one top tier match in WWE throughout their feud together, and this one on RAW was not only one of their best together, but it may very well be the best match in the history of the red brand.

Battling to earn a shot at the WWE Championship at WrestleMania, the stakes were high as they wrestled an intense, quality encounter full of great counters and delving deep in their respective arsenals (with even the banned piledriver being used).

22 The Rock Vs. Hulk Hogan, WWE WrestleMania 18

An Example Of Pure Sports Entertainment



Match Length

The Rock defeated Hulk Hogan

WWE WrestleMania 18



10 Best WWE Intercontinental Championship Matches, Definitely Reviewed

The “workhorse” championship of WWE has given fans some of the best matches in wresting history. Which Intercontinental title match tops the list?

If you're ranking technical matches and in-ring crispness, then this match would be nowhere near anyone's "best of" list. However, this is an example of a match which grew beyond just a normal wrestling match, with two larger than life wrestlers clashing in a surreal experience.

The crowd's response to Hogan was mind-blowing, bringing back the joys of HulkaMania for the first time in over a decade. The two stars hit each other with their best shots and kept things relatively simple, but in terms of sports entertainment and a spectacle, this is up there with the very best of all time.

21 The Rock Vs. Steve Austin, WWE WrestleMania 17

One Of The Most Iconic WrestleMania Main Events



Match Length

Steve Austin defeated The Rock

WWE WrestleMania 17


The Rock and Steve Austin had many legendary battles throughout the Attitude Era, though their clash in the main event of the greatest show of all time was arguably their best. This had all the classic tropes of a great Attitude Era match with brawling, chaos, interference, finishers, and more.

Was it the smoothest match ever? No, but Rock & Austin still showcased their remarkable chemistry in front of an electric crowd who elevated the whole thing to another level. The iconic Steve Austin heel turn was a huge moment too, albeit the wrong choice in hindsight.

20 Sami Zayn Vs. Shinsuke Nakamura, NXT TakeOver: Dallas 2016

Nakamura's WWE Debut Was A Spectacle



Match Length

Shinsuke Nakamura defeated Sami Zayn

NXT TakeOver: Dallas 2016


This match was all about the instant aura that Shinsuke Nakamura brought to NXT upon his debut. The audience was wild for this match and ate up everything Nakamura did. The match saw strong style, technical wrestling, and huge near-falls.

The work put in by both Nakamura and Zayn with their instant chemistry was special, but the world-class audience in Dallas really pushed this match into a different stratosphere.

19 The Wyatt Family Vs. The Shield, Elimination Chamber 2014

Two Great Factions Went Wild In 2014



Match Length

Wyatt Family defeated The Shield

WWE Elimination Chamber 2014


The Shield and The Wyatt Family brought their two contrasting styles to a hugely entertaining, chaotic, and wild match at Elimination Chamber 2014, in a bout which saw all six men thrive and showcase their talents.

The Wyatt Family picking off each member was great, and it was certainly their peak as a group in WWE when they decisively defeated The Shield, who had been presented as such a dominant force.

18 Mankind Vs. The Undertaker, King Of The Ring 1998

One Of The Most Infamous Matches In Wrestling



Match Length

The Undertaker defeated Mankind

King Of The Ring 1998


This was not a technical masterclass, this did not have controlled structure, and this was not a storytelling epic. However, this is still one of the most thrilling spectacles in WWE history. The Undertaker throwing Mankind both off the Hell In A Cell and through the roof are still, to this day, two of the most insane spots in wrestling history.

The fact that the match continued on, showing Mankind's crazed grit, was jaw-dropping. The atmosphere surrounding this match is like nothing ever seen before, and likely will never be seen again in WWE.

17 WALTER Vs. Tyler Bate, NXT TakeOver Cardiff 2019

WWE's Best David Vs. Goliath Match



Match Length

WALTER defeated Tyler Bate

NXT TakeOver: Cardiff 2019


For over 40 minutes, WALTER and Tyler Bate went to war for the NXT UK Championship in one of the best examples of the David versus Goliath formula ever. WALTER beat the holy hell out of Bate, who just kept getting up, sending the crowd into a frenzy every time he did so. Bate showcased his crazy strength too, managing to use both power and speed against a much larger opponent.


10 Best Iron Man Matches Of All Time, Definitely Reviewed

These are the best matches featuring Iron men and women competing to gain the most victories within a 30 or 60-minute time limit!

In the end though, WALTER was simply just too dominant for Bate to overcome, finally being put to bed after an epic encounter in front of a raucous UK crowd.

16 Razor Ramon Vs. Shawn Michaels, WWE WrestleMania 10

The First Ever Ladder Match Was Fantastic



Match Length

Razor Ramon defeated Shawn Michaels

WWE WrestleMania 10


Even though ladder matches would go on to feature crazier spots, higher risks, and memorable moments, the first ever ladder match will be hard to ever top. The use of the ladder felt more direct, focused, and logical, utilizing it as the central focus of the match.

Ramon and Michaels were the perfect two competitors to bring this match to the spotlight, stealing the show with a classic.

15 Shawn Michaels Vs. The Undertaker, Bad Blood 1997

First Hell In A Cell Match In WWE History



Match Length

Shawn Michaels defeated The Undertaker

Badd Blood 1997


The first-ever Hell in a Cell match set the precedent for what quickly became an all-time classic WWE gimmick match. Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker went to war in a physical match which utilized the Cell structure wonderfully.

Big moves, falling off the side of the Cell, and the unforgettable debut of Kane led to this being an all-time great match in WWE for a variety of different reasons. It is still up there with the very best Hell in a Cell matches of all time, if not the very best.

14 The Revival Vs. DIY, NXT TakeOver Toronto 2016

A Thrilling Tag Team Clash In NXT



Match Length

DIY defeated The Revival

NXT TakeOver: Toronto 2016


The black & gold era of NXT had some of the best matches in WWE history in front of the most passionate and raucous fans that the company has witnessed in decades. The Revival took on DIY for the NXT Tag Team Championships in a brilliant 2 out of 3 falls match at TakeOver Toronto.

The Revival’s incredible tag team psychology to cut down the underdog babyfaces was a perfect dynamic, and it made for some thrilling watching. These two teams had insane chemistry, perhaps better than any other two teams in WWE history, and it was fully on display here.

13 Triple H Vs. Cactus Jack, Royal Rumble 2000

Violent Masterclass Between Attitude Era Rivals



Match Length

Triple H defeated Cactus Jack

WWE Royal Rumble 2000


Triple H and Cactus Jack had an iconic feud, and their Street Fight at Royal Rumble 2000 was the best match in their series. It was glorious violence which saw the use of barbed wire, handcuffs, and thumbtacks.


10 Best WWE Championship Matches, Definitively Reviewed

The WWE Championship is the most prestigious title in wrestling, having been defended in some of the greatest matches in WWE history.

The closing spot alone made this iconic, with Triple H delivering a pedigree face-first into the tacks on Foley in an insane moment. It felt like an authentic and personal war between two sworn enemies every step of the way. This also marked the first time that anybody had ever kicked out of the Pedigree. In an era where kicking out of finishers was a rarity and not the norm, this cemented just how much of a never-say-die babyface Mick Foley was.

12 Kurt Angle Vs. Shawn Michaels, WrestleMania 21

Dream Match Which Delivered At WrestleMania



Match Length

Kurt Angle defeated Shawn Michaels

WWE WrestleMania 21


Two of the all-time best stepped into the ring together at WrestleMania 21 in a dream match and it delivered. In truth, it could’ve probably been even better, which just goes to show how good this one was that it still gets a mention.

It was fluid, there were a load of counters, and each man delivered all their moves to a crisp perfection. The closing stretch was electric, and this fit the bill of a “WrestleMania match” for sure. Michaels' selling in the final Ankle Lock sequence is some of the most emotional and heart-wrenching of his entire career, and that's saying something from HBK.

11 Gunther Vs. Drew McIntyre Vs. Sheamus, WrestleMania 39

2023's Best Match Was A War Between Powerhouses



Match Length

Gunther defeated Drew McIntyre & Sheamus

WWE WrestleMania 39 Night Two


Before this match took place, fans were already expecting a hard-hitting affair. However, nobody quite expected it to be one of the greatest triple threat matches in WWE history - and that is exactly what it was.

These three men went to war in a stiff contest where every man brought their most vicious and destructive side. They beat the hell out of one another for over 20 minutes, living up to the stage and making the Intercontinental Title feel like the most important belt in the company.

10 Shawn Michaels Vs. Chris Jericho - WrestleMania 19

Storied Rivals Put On A WrestleMania Clinic



Match Length

Shawn Michaels defeated Chris Jericho

WWE WrestleMania 19


If you want a match to prove how beautiful professional wrestling can be, then this is the match to show someone. The masterful control of the crowd, the gradually built up pace, the psychology and storyline elements incorporated in, all made for a perfect match-up.


Every Undertaker Vs. Shawn Michaels Match, Definitely Reviewed

The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels collided in a WWE ring plenty of times throughout their illustrious careers!

Michaels and Jericho’s match at WrestleMania 19 may even be underrated by some fans, but it is arguably up there with the greatest WWE matches of all time. It was two incredible wrestlers going at it with expert preciseness and wonderfully executed in-ring ability.

9 Sasha Banks Vs. Bayley - NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn 2015

One Of The Most Important Women's Matches In WWE History



Match Length

Bayley defeated Sasha Banks

NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn 2015


In terms of women’s wrestling in WWE, this is one of the most important and pivotal matches of all time. A heated storyline led to this having a red-hot crowd, elevating an already wonderfully wrestled match.

This is one of the best examples of a babyface vs. heel matchup, with Banks playing the vicious, violent heel, and Bayley playing the plucky hero who needed to reach down deep to find an extra level to score the win. It was fast-paced, back-and-forth, and this was the match that truly kicked into gear the women’s revolution in the company.

8 Edge & Christian Vs. Dudley Boyz Vs. Hardy Boyz - WrestleMania 17

The First Ever TLC Match Was A Car Crash For The Ages



Match Length

Edge & Christian defeated The Hardy Boyz & The Dudley Boyz

WWE WrestleMania 17


Chaos, never-before-seen spots, and death-defying moments all played into making this triple threat Tag Team Championship match one of the best ever. The second official TLC match was a hugely important spectacle, redefining “spot fests” and bringing a style of wrestling to WWE that had never been seen before.

These six men made this match type famous here, with this having a highlight reel of some of the best WrestleMania moments ever, all within just one match.

7 Johnny Gargano Vs. Tommaso Ciampa, NXT TakeOver: New Orleans 2018

The Most Violent And Hard-Hitting PG Era Match



Match Length

Johnny Gargano defeats Tommaso Ciampa

NXT TakeOver New Orleans 2018


In 2018, NXT was really experiencing its boom period as one of the most exciting brands in WWE history, providing a style of wrestling and storytelling that many had longed for.

The feud between Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa was a piece of excellence, and this match felt like an all out war at NXT TakeOver: New Orleans. It was insanely violent, feeling like a throwback to a bygone era, and it featured so much excitement, back-and-forths, and wonderful character work from both men.

6 Bret Hart Vs. Owen Hart, WrestleMania 10

WrestleMania's Greatest Opening Match



Match Length

Owen Hart defeated Bret Hart

WWE WrestleMania 10


In what may be the best WrestleMania opener of all time, Bret Hart and Owen Hart had arguably the greatest ever brother vs. brother match in professional wrestling history.

The storyline, the nuances, and the technical brilliance of this match were all wonderfully done. Owen’s desire to bring more of a physical battle contrasting to Bret’s more calm approach to keep his head was very well done, and the upset win for Owen only added to how memorable this bout was.

Best WWE Matches Of All Time (2024)


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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.