Pumpkin Butter Recipe + Canning Pumpkin Butter Instructions (2024)

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I have a confession. Until I made this recipe – I had never COOKED real pumpkin before! I had used the can stuff for just about everything. If you are doing this then just stop! This pumpkin butter recipe will change your mind completely! I made so much of it that first time I had to add in these canning pumpkin butter instructions just so I could stock up on it.

Pumpkin Butter Recipe + Canning Pumpkin Butter Instructions (1)

Table of Contents

Pumpkin Butter Recipe + Canning Pumpkin Butter Instructions

So why did I make the jump to use real pumpkin? Well, we were getting pumpkins to carve for Halloween and we went to a farmers market stand we loved to pick up some apples and a few apple cider slushies too.

Then I saw it. The bin of $1 pie pumpkins.

Knowing that 1 good size ones would make a pie I intended to pick up one try it out hope I got it right. Then I see in the bin how big the pumpkin are. We left with 5 pumpkins. That was my first trip.

Related:Easy Pumpkin Beer Bread Recipe

After successfully cooking my first pumpkin (Slice it in half scoop the seeds and strings out. Place on a greased cookie sheet and bake at 350 degrees F for an hour, let cool and just scoop it right out! In case you were wondering) we made a trip back to the farmers stand on the premise of some more apple cider slushies and I picked up 7 more of the $1 pumpkins.

So after making a pie and freezing enough puree to make 5 more pies, I decided to make pumpkin butter. I now have 15 pints of it and have eaten 1 already! Here is how to go about it in case you went pumpkin crazy too!

Related:Drunken Pumpkin Soup Recipe

Note:: While the FDA says not to can pumpkin it' is up to you they change their rules so often I have been canning pumpkin for a long time and as long as you get it past 248 degrees to kill botulism you will be fine. Do the sight and sniff test when opening ANY canned item and if an itemdoesn't seal properly put it in the fridge and use within 5 days.

You can always just make it and freeze it in the jars as well.

In 2015 there was only 140 deaths caused by botulism…and of those 140, only 2 were home canning related. One was due to improper processing times and the other was because they ate after the jar had unsealed.

While you canmake this with canned pumpkin butter I suggest only using fresh pumpkin if you plan to can it. Using canned pumpkin is great if you plan to eat it right away.

Related:Easy Pumpkin Spice Truffles Recipe


6 cups of pumpkin puree – fresh or canned your choice
4 cups of white sugar
2 Tbsp Cinnamon
1 tsp ground nutmeg
1 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp ground cloves

How to do it

Pumpkin Butter Recipe + Canning Pumpkin Butter Instructions (2)

Prepare canner, jars, and lids (boil etc)

In a large saucepan warm the pumpkin puree until it is warmed through

Add the sugar and spices and stir well.

Related: Amish Pear Butter Recipe

Pumpkin Butter Recipe + Canning Pumpkin Butter Instructions (3)

Simmer the pumpkin mixture for 30 minutes stirring constantly.You will note that the mixture has a thick shiny look to it and does not run freely off of the spoon. I have noticed using fresh pumpkin this has happened faster than 30 minutes.

Pumpkin Butter Recipe + Canning Pumpkin Butter Instructions (4)

Fill the hot jars with the hot pumpkin butter leaving 1/4 inch headspace, tap the jar to help settle the hot butter and then go around the inside to remove air bubbles. Wipe rim of the jar with a clean damp towel

Place the warmed canning lid on the jar and tighten the band to just fingertip tight.

Place jars in canner, ensuring they are completely covered with water by about two inches. Bring to a boil and process for 1 hour. If you choose to pressure can them, you would process it at 10 pounds pressure for 30 minutes.

Remove canner lid.

Wait 5 minutes to remove jars, cool with even space between jars.

Please after 24 hours make sure the lids have sealed. There should be no give when pressing the center of the lid. If they have not sealed,place in the fridge to use right away.

Canning Pumpkin Butter

Pumpkin Butter Recipe + Canning Pumpkin Butter Instructions (5)



  1. Prepare canner, jars and lids (boil ect)
  2. In a large saucepan warm the pumpkin puree until it is warmed through
  3. Add the sugar and spices and stir well.
  4. Simmer the pumpkin mixture for 30 minutes stirring constantly. You will note that the mixture has a thick shinny look to it and does not run freely off of the spoon. I have noticed using fresh pumpkin this has happened faster than 30 minutes.
  5. Fill the hot jars with the hot pumpkin butter leaving 1/4 inch head space, tap the jar to help settle the hot butter and then go around the inside to remove air bubbles. Wipe rim of jar with a clean damp towel
  6. Place the warmed canning lid on the jar and tighten the band to just finger tip tight.
  7. Place jars in canner, ensuring they are completely covered with water by about two inches. Bring to a boil and process for 1 hour. If you choose to preasure can them, you would process it at 10 pounds pressure for 30 minutes.
  8. Remove canner lid.
  9. Wait 5 minutes to remove jars, cool with even space between jars.
  10. Please after 24 hours make sure the lids have sealed. There should be no give when pressing the center of the lid. If they have not sealed place in the fridge to use right away.

Nutrition Information

Serving Size

1 grams
Amount Per ServingUnsaturated Fat 0g

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Pumpkin Butter Recipe + Canning Pumpkin Butter Instructions (2024)


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