Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (2024)

· Natalie 52 Comments

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A soft-baked, cinnamon sugar topped snickerdoodle cookie with pumpkin added in for extra fall flair. This vegan, gluten-free, single cookie recipe is ready for warm-from-the-oven devouring in no time!

Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (1)That title up there was supposed to read ‘Soft-Baked Sweet Potato Snickerdoodle Cookie’. It has a nice ring to it doesn’t it, with the alliteration. But in the middle of making itthe idea for an orange ingredient swap hit me, and I just had to test the recipe one more time but with pumpkin instead.

Now I don’t know if it was my actual tastebuds talking or the current pumpkin craze, but the pumpkin version was kinda sorta a whole lot more delicious!

Plus I haven’t posted anything pumpkin in like…okay fineit’s been less than a week. But it’s October so that means it’s acceptable to postall pumpkin all the time. At least I hope so. Otherwise I have some major content calendar revising to do.

Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (2)Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (3)

You may be thinking “Another oversizedcookie on a Monday?” But of courseyou are thinking that in an excited tone not an exasperated one, right? Ifthere is anythingMonday needs, it’s more exceptionally large and quick to make baked goods. Healthy-ish dessert the size of a hockey puck–I can’t imagine abetter way to kick off the week.

No sprinkles or frosting or movie tie-in this time, but this cookiedoesn’t need all that. Because it has something else. Something wonderful. Cinnamon sugar!

Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (4)

Soft and chewy.Drowned inlightly sprinkled with cinnamon sugar before baking. Only 6 ingredients. A single cookie recipemeans you get to enjoy the entire batch at peakwarm-from-the-oven freshness. Ready in 12 minutes. Happier Monday friends.

Soft-Baked Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Cookie #vegan #glutenfreeClick To Tweet

Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (5)


Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (6)

Soft-Baked Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Cookie

★★★★★5 from 2 reviews

  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 12 minutes
  • Total Time: 17 minutes
  • Yield: 1 cookie 1x
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  • 2 tbsp pumpkin puree
  • 1 tbsp coconut sugar
  • 4 tbsp oat flour
  • ¼ tsp cinnamon
  • ½ tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Cinnamon Sugar Topping

  • 1 tsp coconut sugar*
  • Dash of cinnamon


  1. Preheat the oven to 350F.
  2. Combine all of the ingredients for the cookie in a bowl. Mix to form a sticky dough.
  3. On a pan lined with parchment paper, press into a thick cookie shape (about 4 inch diameter). Or you can even use a cookie cutter for a perfect circle.
  4. Mix together the cinnamon sugar topping. Sprinkle on top and press in lightly
  5. Bake for 12 mins at 350F.
  6. Let it cool for 5-10 mins before eating.


*Coconut sugar works and tastes great here. But for the classic sparkly sugar-coated snickerdoodle look, organic cane sugar works better.

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Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (7)

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    • Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (17)Natalie says

      Thanks Becky. I’m kind of on a single serve dessert kick…and loving it! And of course a pumpkin kick, but who isn’t? 😀


  1. Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (18)The Vegan 8 says

    Just 1 cookie?! Haha! I need at least 5 cookies in one sitting because I am a cookie monster! I love snickerdoodles, they are one of my all-time favorite cookies. That classic snickerdoodle taste is like none other. I’ll have to try this to see how it taste with the pumpkin. I can just see one problem though, as soon as I eat one, I’ll want another immediately! And I’m totally with you on the traditional sparkly sugar on top, sometimes it is just needed for that classic look and taste. I LOVE coconut sugar but it just tastes different and sometimes doesn’t work quite the same as white cane sugar. I have leftover pumpkin in my fridge from making cake frosting this weekend, so I am totally going to put it to use and try this! Thanks Natalie!!


  2. Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (19)Kat says

    OMG is this real life? What a genius idea!! Totally making one of these [and then probably making several more throughout the week] 😉


    • Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (20)Natalie says

      I’m borderline obsessed with the single cookie batch thing too…mostly because that means one MEGA sized cookie 🙂 I hope you enjoy (all week!)


  3. Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (21)Casey at Two City Vegans says

    I might make this tonight! It looks SO GOOD. I have no pumpkin, what might be a good substitute?!


    • Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (22)Natalie says

      Yay! It seems so much simpler to whip up on a whim when it’s just one cookie 🙂 Sweet potato puree/mash or applesauce would be fine!


  4. Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (23)Larice says

    I could barely make it through your post before I was out in the kitchen rummaging through the cupboards to mix up the dough and bake it! Actually I made two so there would be no squabbling between my daughter and I, haha. So good, and so easy! That’s a dangerously delicious combination. Thanks for making our snack time super yummy!


    • Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (24)Natalie says

      No way, already!?! Dang girl–see cookie, make cookie 😀 I love it, thank you so much for trying it and the speedy feedback! Good call on the making a double batch part too 🙂


      • Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (25)Laricr says

        We are basically addicted to pumpkin cookies at the moment, so it was perfect timing! Xoxo 🙂


        • Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (26)Natalie says

          Cookies, pies, lattes, smoothies–not a day goes by without pumpkin something 😀 Thanks Larice!


  5. Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (27)Mila says

    Can you use brown rice flour instead of oat flour?


    • Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (28)Natalie says

      You can try it, but I don’t think it will hold together very well without some sort of starch added in too. Sorry 🙁


      • Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (29)Mila says

        Thank you! Do you think Arrow Root flour might work then?


        • Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (30)Natalie says

          Yes that could definitely work in combination with the rice flour! I would try like 3:1 brown rice to arrowroot. Good luck!


          • Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (31)Mila says

            You’re the best, thanks so much!

  6. Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (32)Demeter | Beaming Baker says

    Oh, how you tease me with your promises of sweet potato! But as long as there’s something gloriously orange for this month, I’m happy. 🙂 UM, I never question oversized cookies on Monday. It’s policy. Lol. Keeps Mondays much tastier this way. I shall forgive your lack of frosting and movie-tie-ins, and ask for an extra dousing of cinnamon sugar. Nat, this looks so utterly soft and delicious and heavenly. How you tease me this Monday. Whyyyyy do we not live near each other? WHY?? I need these cookies, stat! Muah! xoxo


    • Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (33)Natalie says

      Between you and me, we are pretty much just changing Monday’s entire reputation lol. Not to be conceited or anything 😀 But seriously peanut butter rice crispy treats and oversized snickerdoodles ? thats a good day! Extra cinnamon sugar on the side for you. And you know I’ve always wanted to go west when I move, but the more rice crispy things you post the more I want to come up there instead?


  7. Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (34)Aimee says

    What kind of person would get exasperated by a giant cookie?? Not one I would like to know, that’s for sure. The texture and the flavours sound oh so perfect! You’re killing it with these Autumn treats <3


    • Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (35)Natalie says

      The same sort of person who hates puppies and rainbows probably lol. Hopefully that person only exists in fiction 😀 Thank you Aimee, I am very much enjoying fall baking!


  8. Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (36)Kaila @ Healthy Helper Blog says

    Bring on ‘over sized cookie Monday’! I am totally on board with making that a new food holiday! 😉


    • Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (37)Natalie says

      Haha never too many food + day of the week combos 😀


  9. Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (38)Marsha says

    Yum! But I want to make a whole batch! 🙂


    • Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (39)Natalie says

      Yeah I was just thinking I should give an option for that too! But I have had someone double it already no problem 🙂


  10. Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (40)Nisha / @rainbowplantlife says

    I just took a photo of this recipe because I can’t wait to make them! Your recipes are amazing 🙂


    • Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (41)Natalie says

      Yay!! I can’t wait to hear what you think <3


  11. Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (42)Anne says

    What would the quantities be if I wanted to make a dozen or batch??


    • Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (43)Natalie says

      I would probably do something like…
      1 1/2 cup oat flour
      3/4 cup pumpkin puree
      1/3-1/2 cup coconut sugar
      1 tsp vanilla
      1 tsp cinnamon
      2 tsps baking powder
      Cinnamon sugar: 2 tbsp + 1 tsp cinnamon

      I hope that helps!


      • Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (44)Anne says

        Thank you!


  12. Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (45)Peanut Butter & Ellie says

    I’m so excited because I can make this in my dorm room- I have all the ingredients!! YESSS. So pumped because this single serving cookie looks marvelous! I’ll try it in the microwave and let you know how it turns out- I’ll probably cook it for a minute?


    • Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (46)Natalie says

      Great idea!! I hadn’t even thought about the dorm room possibilities with this one. Um yeah, I’d start with 1 minute 🙂 Can’t wait to hear how it goes!


  13. Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (47)Ksenia says

    English is not my native language, so I have some problems with a list of ingredients… Please explain, what “T” means?


    • Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (48)Natalie says

      Hi, sorry! It just stands for tablespoon. I changed it now to my usual tbsp.


      • Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (49)Ksenia says

        Many thanks! I should definitely try this one!


  14. Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (50)Murphy Tam says

    Hi Natalie, may I ask is soy yogurt work in substitute the pumpkin puree to make this cookie ?


    • Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (51)Natalie says

      Hmmm yes I think that could work! I have not tried it personally but I think it should be fine 🙂


  15. Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (52)audrey @ unconventional baker says

    Hehe. working from home for several years now, I sort of lost all concept of the dreaded Monday (what day is it again anyhow? ?), but I think every day needs to start off with an oversized cookie. Keep the pumpkin party going please! ?


    • Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (53)Natalie says

      I know what you mean! Weeks, weekends, mondays–it’s all sort of a blur 🙂 So many pumpkin ideas, so little time!


  16. Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (54)dana grabbel says

    LOVE IT! I don’t eat oats, gonna substitute the flour with quinoa flour!


    • Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (55)Natalie says

      That should be just fine! I hope you love it 🙂


  17. Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (56)Rosenoisettes says

    That looks so easy to make and so so delicious!
    I should give it a try 🙂


    • Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (57)Natalie says

      It’s probably the easiest cookie baking I’ve ever done, I love single serve recipes for that! I hope you do 🙂


  18. Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (58)Rute says

    Do you think I could use apple puree isntead of pumpkin?


    • Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (59)Natalie says

      Yes you probably could, although you may need a little more flour as apple puree is usually a bit thinner/more watery than pumpkin.


  19. Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (60)Courtney says

    Thank u so much for this awesome recipe! I have to eat dairy, wheat, and gluten free for medical reasons and I love new sweet recipes! I went crazy and confident that these would be good and made a 7 cookie batch the first time I tried this recipe. I knew I would want more than one! Will keep on making!


    • Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (61)Natalie says

      Omg I can’t believe you 7x it the first time–love it! I appreciate your faith in the success of this snickerdoodle recipe and I am so happy it turned out yummy. Lots of dairy/wheat/gluten free sweet stuff around here, so hopefully lots for you to try 🙂


  20. Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (62)Hannah says

    This looks amazing! Could I switch out the oat flour for almond flour? 🙂


    • Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (63)Natalie says

      Yes but you will need to add some sort of starch in that case as well like tapioca or arrowroot to help bind it. 3 tbsp almond flour + 1 tbsp tapioca starch should work!


  21. Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (64)Molly says

    I can’t math. Would you puh-leeeeze provide amounts, so we can make a whole BATCH of these yummies? Thanks!


    • Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (65)Natalie says

      So it would be…
      1 cup pumpkin
      1/2 cup coconut sugar
      2 cups oat flour
      1 tbsp cinnamon
      1 tbsp baking powder
      1 tsp vanilla extract
      And then for the coating about 3-4 tbsp coconut sugar + a generous shake of cinnamon. I can’t tell you exactly how many that will make, but depending on size should be 10-12 cookies. Hope that helps 🙂


  22. Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (66)Anna Soman says

    These look so good! Could I substitute raw honey or maple syrup for part or all of the coconut sugar? Would that ruin them?


    • Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (67)Natalie says

      Hi Anna! That swap will change the liquid to dry ingredient balance, so you will need to add more flour if you do to make up for it. I can’t say exactly how much since I haven’t tried it myself, so you will have to experiment a bit. Sorry I can’t give you a more exact answer!


Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Single Cookie Recipe | Vegan & Gluten-Free (2024)


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