The Five Best Glute Workouts For Strength, Performance, and Aesthetics | BarBend (2024)

  • The Workouts
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  • Glute Anatomy
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  • Programming Glute Work
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  • Glute Warm-Ups

Everybody wants a nice butt. Bodybuilders need a well-developed posterior to bring a complete package to the stage, powerlifters have to have strong glutes to lock out heavy pulls or squats, and pretty much everyone wants to look good in jeans.

Glute training has risen to prominence in the fitness world, but many mainstream exercises and workouts are inherently flawed. Building a rock-solid booty takes a bit more finesse than yet another set of unweighted kickbacks.

The Five Best Glute Workouts For Strength, Performance, and Aesthetics | BarBend (1)

If you want to train your butt properly, you’ve come to the right place. Here are five workouts that have been fine-tuned to guarantee glute gains.

Best Glute Workouts

  • Best Glute Workout for Beginners
  • Best Glute Workout for Hypertrophy
  • Best Glute Workout for Strength
  • Best Glute Workout for Sport
  • Best Glute Workout for Endurance

The Best Glute Workout for Beginners

Beginner glute workouts should focus on building baseline skill, strength, and endurance in hip extension, abduction, and external rotation. You can get there via hip stability drills, single-leg and bilateral bridges, hinges, and squatting. Medium-to-high rep counts are your friend here.

The Workout

Bilateral bridges, hinges, and squatting patterns are the bread and butter of developing the glutes. In order to get there, early focus should be placed on mastering technique, preventing unilateral differences in skill or strength, and improving hip stability. Since these exercises will become staples for any number of glute workouts, building a strong foundation is critical.

  • Single-Leg Glute Bridge — 2 x 12 repetitions per leg.
  • Assisted Split Squat 3 x 15 repetitions per leg.
  • Goblet Squat 3 x 10
  • Landmine Romanian Deadlift — 3 x 10

Coach’s Tip:Beginners often have trouble with activating their glutes properly. If you’re new to training your butt, take your time to find the contraction properly. Glute work should be felt in the glutes, not in the lower back or hamstrings.

Best Glute Workout for Hypertrophy

Training the glutes for hypertrophy places an emphasis on heavier load and higher volume bilateral and unilateral versions of the bridge, hinge, and squatting patterns. Machine or cable work is a great way to stabilize the range of motion so your limiting factor is glute fatigue, not stability in the hip or spine.

The Workout

Using a leg press to train the squatting pattern, straps for grip on dumbbell or barbell moves, and using machines for burnout are great ways to maximize results over the course of a workout. A mix of all modalities – barbells, dumbbells, and machines — is useful, and can be rotated to keep training fun and stimulating.

  • Romanian Deadlift — 3 x 8
  • Leg Press 3 x 8 – 10
  • Bulgarian Split Squat 3 x 12 repetitions per leg.
  • Machine Hip Thrust — 3 x as many repetitions as possible (AMRAP).
  • Back Extension 2 x 15

Best Glute Workout for Strength

In order to strengthen the glutes, training in heavier rep ranges with exercises that force integration of skill and muscle function is your best option. Pepper in a few machine exercises to top off the session once fatigue begins to accumulate and your glutes will be stronger in no time.

The Workout

Working with free weights like the barbell or dumbbells is the best way to combine strength, skill, and function. Choosing a barbell or dumbbell version of the squat or hinge to primarily focus on while rotating through other methods of challenging the remaining patterns is a great tool for training with long-term progress in mind.

  • Barbell Squat 3 x 5
  • Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift 3 x 8 – 10
  • Bulgarian Split Squat — 3 x 8 – 10
  • Machine Hip Thrust — 3 x AMRAP.

Coach’s Tip:To maximize strength in the glutes, focus on a quick turnaround from the eccentric (lowering) phase to the concentric (lifting). A controlled eccentric into a quick, aggressive contraction is great for developing muscle strength.

Best Glute Workout for Sport

An athletic training style for the glutes should emphasize strength, explosiveness, and durability. This means that a focus on plyometric drills, strength training, and stability to cap the session is a good rule of thumb if you’re looking to improve the physical characteristics that are most relevant to your sport.

The Five Best Glute Workouts For Strength, Performance, and Aesthetics | BarBend (2)

It’s also important that any glute training for sport performance not interfere with sport practice itself. In fact, a good glute program should enhance the skills you practice on the track or field.

The Workout

Training for sport is about training for a specific outcome. Oftentimes, the overall feel of a sport-specific workout is very different from pure strength or hypertrophy. Strict adherence to rest periods, perfect technique for every repetition, and knowing how to “stimulate” but not “obliterate” the glutes is paramount.

  • Box Jump 10 x 3
  • High Bar Squat 3 x 6 – 8
  • Contralateral Single-Leg RDL 2 x 10 repetitions per leg.
  • Ipsilateral Rear-Foot Elevated Split Squat — 2 x 10 repetitions per leg.
  • Single-Leg Glute Bridge — 2 x 12 repetitions per leg.

Coach’s Tip:You can make slight technical adjustments to your form if you’re doing glute work for sport performance. If working on one leg, your posture and position can be tweaked to mirror how you land, cross, or tackle.

Best Glute Workout for Endurance

Glute endurance helps provide sustained benefits for everyday life. When the glutes are weak, easily fatigued, or technically undeveloped, it’s easy to fall back on other muscles or joints to perform the tasks that the glutes simply are not able to handle.

Using glute workouts to reinforce gait cycle mechanics (walking or sprinting), cardiovascular endurance training, and hip stability can help prevent real-life scenarios from causing unnecessary fatigue.

The Workout

Long walks, hiking, or standing for extended periods of time can all challenge the endurance of the glutes. Choosing exercises that mimic and overload those patterns can reinforce proper mechanics when these real-life challenges occur, and also help build a solid foundation of glute development in the process.

  • Reverse Lunge into Sprinter Pose — 2 x 10 repetitions per leg.
  • Tempo 1 and ¼ Goblet Squat 2 x 12
  • Step Up 3 x 12 repetitions per leg.
  • Staggered-Stance Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift — 3 x 15 repetitions per leg.
  • Glute Bridge — 2 x 20
  • Stair Climbs — 10 minutes.

Coach’s Tip:Breathing is key for navigating endurance workouts. To get through high-rep sets with (relative) ease, maintain a controlled and consistent breathing pattern.

Anatomy of the Glutes

Developing an understanding of glute anatomy will help reinforce why certain exercises or their variations are such staples in optimal glute training. Since gym time is valuable, you should probably have a working knowledge of glute anatomy. Understanding the behavior of the muscle you’re targeting can prevent you from wasting time on exercises that don’t stimulate the glutes to a meaningful extent.

Gluteus Minimus

The gluteus minimus is the smallest of the three glute muscles – it can be found layered deep (physically underneath) the gluteus medius and gluteus maximus. It’s main role is to stabilize and abduct the hip, such as in lateral lunges.

Gluteus Medius

The gluteus medius is the second smallest of the glute muscles and can be found along the upper lateral side of the hip. While the gluteus medius can serve as a hip abductor muscle, it functionally provides most of its benefits through lateral hip stability in all manner of squats and hinges.

Gluteus Maximus

The gluteus maximus muscle is the largest, most superficial of the glute muscles and is the major player when it comes to developing the strength or aesthetics of the glutes. The gluteus maximus is a very powerful hip extensor muscle, and thus is trained most effectively in exercises that move the hip from a flexed to extended position.

Benefits of Glute Training

Given the unique layout and function of each gluteal muscle, many different benefits arise from a well-rounded glute training program. Improved aesthetics, hip, knee, and spinal stability, and maximal power development are added incentives for training the glutes.


As it is the largest glute muscle, and thus most impactful on your physique, prioritizing the gluteus maximus in your workouts is a surefire way to create the best bang-for-your-buck program.

The Five Best Glute Workouts For Strength, Performance, and Aesthetics | BarBend (3)

Exercises that prioritize hip extension (with progressive sets, repetitions, or load) are going to help build a strong and shapely backside.

Hip, Knee, and Spinal Stability

Single-leg exercises or dynamic movement patterns directly challenge the gluteus medius. There is a shared responsibility of stabilizing the hip, knee, and spine from a few different muscle groups, and as the strength or coordination of the gluteus medius improves so too does its ability to contribute to stability.

Maximal Strength and Power Output

The glutes are among the prime movers in nearly every explosive strength or power exercise. While cleans, snatches, and sprinting are all tools to train the glutes, you can get more bang for your buck and develop serious power along the way with more direct glute movements.

How to Program Glute Workouts

Glute workouts benefit from getting the most out of every exercise from a fatigue management standpoint. Big hip extension exercises, especially when performed with the barbell, can be tiring. Understanding how to manipulate exercise order, challenging different ranges of motion, and workout frequency can all optimize your glute gains.

Train Largest to Smallest

Tackle exercises that require the greatest amount of skill, coordination, or load first. Many of these exercises — such as squats, deadlifts, or leg presses — will be heavily fatiguing because of how much load they can require. The safest and most effective way to train is in the order of biggest movement patterns or loading schemes to smallest.

Challenge All Ranges of Motion

Certain exercises challenge the glutes to a greater degree at the beginning or end of the range of motion. A clever way to maximally fatigue the glutes is to arrange the order of your exercises so you’re always challenging the muscle at a different point.

For example, the leg press or squat is often the hardest on the glutes at the bottom and easier towards the top. However, a 45 degree back extension is usually easiest at the bottom and most difficult at the top.

The Five Best Glute Workouts For Strength, Performance, and Aesthetics | BarBend (4)

By strategically placing exercises like the squat or leg press early in the workout when the glutes are the freshest, exercises such as the back extension or good morning can still be trained effectively later.


It’s important to hit the glutes with decent frequency. Prioritizing the bigger glute exercises such as barbell squats, deadlifts, and leg presses twice a week is great, but complementing those sessions with another day of lighter isolation work is even better.

This can be in the form of single-leg or machine exercises with more conservative loading parameters to make sure you’re recovered enough for the next big leg day. In fact, a low-intensity session itself might even help speed up recovery in general.

How to Warm Up for Glute Workouts

Glute warm-ups should prime the muscle for work but also wake up the other muscle groups responsible for working synergistically in hip extension. This means incorporating exercises and drills that promote increased stability and alignment of the trunk and limbs.

Things like single-leg bridges or hinges, split squats, or some light cable kickbacks before your big lifts or during early sets can help keep your movement locked in for the whole session.

The Big Picture

You might want a strong butt to help you lift heavier weights. On the other hand, you may just want to build a posterior that grabs attention. Either way, to truly develop your glutes, you need to give equal attention back to your training.

Luckily, the right program can do a lot of the heavy lifting on your journey to crafting an iron backside. With a bit of anatomical expertise and a healthy amount of sweat, you can go get the glutes you’ve always wanted.

Featured Image: Rocksweeper / Shutterstock

The Five Best Glute Workouts For Strength, Performance, and Aesthetics | BarBend (2024)


What is the most effective glute exercise? ›

7 Gluteus Maximus Exercises
  1. Split Squat. You can hold a dumbbell in each hand, a kettlebell at your chest, or a barbell across your back to make this glute exercise harder. ...
  2. Step Up. ...
  3. Lunge. ...
  4. Cable Machine Kickback. ...
  5. Romanian Deadlift. ...
  6. Good Morning. ...
  7. Glute Bridge.
Apr 4, 2024

Which exercise best strengthens the gluteals? ›

Squats: Squats are one of the most effective exercises for strengthening the glutes. They target all three glute muscles—the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus. Squats can be performed with body weight, or with added resistance such as a barbell or dumbbells.

How do you build aesthetic glutes? ›

Here are some exercises you can incorporate into your next lower body workout to target the glutes and surrounding muscle groups:
  1. Sprinter Position Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats.
  2. Dumbbell Frog Press.
  3. Low Bar Squat.
  4. Barbell Hip Thrust.
  5. Single-Leg Hip Thrust.
  6. Romanian Deadlift.
  7. Step Up.
  8. Reverse Hyper.

What is the number one glute exercise? ›

The 3 Absolute Best Exercises to Build Your Glutes
  1. Barbell Hip Thrusts. Variations: Dumbbell hip thrusts, kettlebell hip thrust, single-leg hip thrust, banded hip thrust (mini band around knees) ...
  2. Barbell Bulgarian Split Squats. ...
  3. Barbell Sumo Deadlift.
Mar 25, 2021

What exercise has the highest glute activation? ›

In general, the step-up exercise and its variations present the highest levels of GMax activation (>100% of MVIC) followed by several loaded exercises and its variations, such as deadlifts, hip thrusts, lunges, and squats, that presented a very high level of GMax activation (>60% of 1RM).

How do you hit all 3 glute muscles? ›

What are the Best Exercises that Work the Gluteus Maximus?
  1. Squats.
  2. Deadlifts.
  3. Quadruped Hip Extension with Knee Flexion.
  4. Hip thrusts.
  5. Lunges.
  6. Step-ups.
  7. Cook Hip Lift.
Jul 4, 2022

Which exercise targets glutes more? ›

1. Hip Thrusts. Hip Thrusts are Rachel's all time favourite, and a true staple for glute development. If you're not performing these correctly, you may feel the exercise in your hamstrings or quad muscles more, or end up injuring yourself with the wrong form.

How to build glutes fast for a female? ›

Start with compound weight-lifting exercises (deadlifts, squats, lunges and stiff leg deadlifts) working at a range of 3 to 6 reps. Then moving on to heavier volume work with lighter weights (so body weight exercises, or resistance machines and cable exercises in the 12 to 30 rep range).

What really builds glutes? ›

The squat tops every list of butt-sculpting exercises. It directly works the glutes. You can build bigger bottom muscles by adding hand-held weights. Form: Slowly lower the hips as if sitting way back in a chair, trying to keep your knees from moving forward toward toes; then return to standing.

What is the secret to big glutes? ›

  1. Exercise: Focus on glute-strengthening exercises like Squats, Sprinter Lunges, Romanian Deadlifts, Hip Thrusts, and Glute Bridges. ...
  2. Nutrition: Increase your protein intake to support muscle growth and repair. ...
  3. Recovery: Allow adequate time for rest and muscle recovery.
Jan 10, 2024

What exercises are good for weak glutes? ›

Perform 10 reps of each exercise, for 3 rounds total.
  1. Wall squat.
  2. Goblet squat.
  3. Squat into side leg lift.
  4. Forward lunge.
  5. Reverse lunge.
  6. Glute bridge.
Feb 21, 2024

How do you activate all 3 glutes? ›

Some of the best exercises for glute activation include the following:
  1. Full Extension Step-Up.
  2. Resistance Band Kickbacks.
  3. Wall Single-Leg Glute Bridges.
  4. Hip Drop and Lift.
  5. Toe Stab Hip Raises.
  6. Toe Up Hip Raises.
  7. Toe Down Hip Swings.
  8. Toe Up Hip Swings.
Jun 29, 2023

What exercise works all the glutes? ›

Glute exercises can be performed with or without equipment, with common ones including lunges, squats, deadlifts, and more. As you build strength in this area, you can incorporate weights into certain glute exercises to work the butt even more.

Which exercise targets the glutes most directly? ›

1. Hip Thrusts. Hip Thrusts are Rachel's all time favourite, and a true staple for glute development. If you're not performing these correctly, you may feel the exercise in your hamstrings or quad muscles more, or end up injuring yourself with the wrong form.

How can I shape my glutes fast? ›

20 exercises that shape the glutes from every angle
  1. Glute bridges. ...
  2. Hip thrusts. ...
  3. Frog pumps. ...
  4. Leg kickbacks (quadruped hip extension) ...
  5. Standing kickbacks. ...
  6. Lateral band walk. ...
  7. Clamshells. ...
  8. Fire hydrants.
May 17, 2021

What is the best way to improve your glutes? ›

Exercises that strengthen the glute maximus include squats, lunges, deadlifts, donkey kicks, glute bridges, glute/ham raises, hip thrusters to name a few. The gluteus medius and minimus can be seen as the side glutes or lateral glutes as they sit more to the side of the pelvis than the gluteus maximus.


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