Mini Strawberry Jam Tarts - Easy 2 Ingredient Recipe | My Poppet Living (2024)

If you feel like making a sweet treat with the kids for afternoon tea, these easy Mini Strawberry Jam Tarts use only two simple ingredients and take only minutes to bake.

Mini Strawberry Jam Tarts - Easy 2 Ingredient Recipe | My Poppet Living (1)

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Emma and I have been baking up a storm now that we are spending all our time at home. We’ve made banana cake, and cookies, but the simplicity of this jam tart recipe can’t be beat.

With only two simple ingredients that you may already find in your pantry and freezer, you can whip up a batch of traditional mini jam tarts in under 25 minutes.

Mini Strawberry Jam Tarts - Easy 2 Ingredient Recipe | My Poppet Living (2)

Young fans of Alice in Wonderland will recognize these Strawberry Jam Tarts as those beloved by the Queen of Hearts.

A quintessential British tea time treat, they make a lovely addition to a High Tea assortment.

The whole family will enjoy these bite sized tarts, be it for a special occasion like a fancy tea party, or with a dollop of cream for dessert.

Mini Strawberry Jam Tarts - Easy 2 Ingredient Recipe | My Poppet Living (3)

So simple to make. Emma made this batch all by herself. Kids can easily make these with minimal adult supervision.

My step-by-step photos will make it even easier for them to follow the instructions. Scroll down for full recipe.

Ingredients you’ll need to make Strawberry Jam Tarts

Mini Strawberry Jam Tarts - Easy 2 Ingredient Recipe | My Poppet Living (4)

Frozen Shortcrust Pastry Sheets

Pre-rolled frozen shortcrust pastry sheets are super convenient, and reside in my freezer as a staple item. Handy for making both sweet and savoury pies and baked goods, I like to use them to make veggie filled Pumpkin pasties.

Shortcrust pastry is ideal for these little jam tarts as they make a nice crisp pastry shell that holds its shape when baked.

Mini Strawberry Jam Tarts - Easy 2 Ingredient Recipe | My Poppet Living (5)

You will need to separate the required amount of pastry sheets, (in this case two), and allow them to defrost somewhere cool until they become pliable. Follow the recommended defrosting instructions on the pack for best results.

You can also make your own shortcrust pastry if you don’t have any frozen sheets available. Try this recipe.

Frozen puff pastry sheets may also be substituted, but they don’t crisp up as much or hold their shape as well due to the high butter content.

Strawberry Jam

A jam tart is only as good as the jam you use, so it’s best to make these with the nicest jam you can get your hands on. Store bought jams work well and set quite nicely when the tarts cool down.

Homemade strawberry jam can also be used to make these mini jam tarts, but you may find the jam ends up slightly runnier as it usually has a lower pectin and/or sugar content than commercial jams.

Mini Strawberry Jam Tarts - Easy 2 Ingredient Recipe | My Poppet Living (6)

Of course you can use any flavour of fruit jam you have available. Raspberry, apricot and plum jams would all make delicious jam tarts, and work perfectly substituted in this easy recipe.

Baking Equipment required for Mini Jam Tarts

Non-Stick Mini Muffin Tray or Mini Tart Pan

Jam Tarts have a tendency to bubble over while baking, making the pastries almost impossible to remove from the tray unless it’s non-stick. It also makes cleaning up much easier.

If you don’t have a non-stick baking tray available, make sure you grease the moulds well to allow the pastry to release properly once baked.

Avoid jam tarts bubbling over when baking by not overfilling your pastry cases. Less is more. Only add enough jam to reach 1/2 – 3/4 up the sides of the pastry.

Circle Cutter

Any round cutter slightly larger than your tart pan size will do. If you don’t have a pastry cutter, try using the rim of a glass or jar lid.

How to make Mini Jam Tarts – Emma will show you how

1. Cut out pastry circles

Firstly, cut out circles from defrosted short crust pastry sheets. You should be able to cut out 9 from one sheet. Save any leftover pastry for decorations to top your tarts if you like.

Mini Strawberry Jam Tarts - Easy 2 Ingredient Recipe | My Poppet Living (7)

2. Press Pastry into Pan

Gently press pastry into pan. Be careful not to tear the pastry, but if this does happen you can patch it up with a little bit of left over pastry.

Mini Strawberry Jam Tarts - Easy 2 Ingredient Recipe | My Poppet Living (8)

3. Spoon in Jam

Spoon in one tablespoon of jam into each tart. Try not to overfill as the jam will bubble over when it bakes and make a sticky mess.

Mini Strawberry Jam Tarts - Easy 2 Ingredient Recipe | My Poppet Living (9)

4. Bake

Now it’s ready to bake in a preheated oven for around 15-18 min. They are ready when the jam starts to bubble and the pastry looks crisp and golden.

Mini Strawberry Jam Tarts - Easy 2 Ingredient Recipe | My Poppet Living (10)

5. Allow to Cool

Don’t be tempted to eat these straight out of the oven. Be careful HOT JAM BURNS! Allow to cool slightly in pan, then remove and fully cool on wire rack. Jam will set as it cools.

Mini Strawberry Jam Tarts - Easy 2 Ingredient Recipe | My Poppet Living (11)

I hope you’ll enjoy baking this easy recipe with you family. You don’t need a special occasion to enjoy these deliciously simple Strawberry Jam Tarts.

Mini Strawberry Jam Tarts - Easy 2 Ingredient Recipe | My Poppet Living (12)

Mini Strawberry Jam Tarts - Easy 2 Ingredient Recipe | My Poppet Living (13)

Mini Strawberry Jam Tarts

Yield: 12

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Total Time: 30 minutes

If you feel like making a sweet treat with the kids for afternoon tea, this easy Mini Jam Tarts recipe uses only 2 simple ingredients. Enjoy topped with adollop of whipped cream for an afternoon tea treat.


  • 2 sheets frozen shortcrust pastry
  • 1/2 cup Strawberry Jam


  1. Pre-heat oven to 180 C (350 F)
  2. Defrost pastry sheets as per directions on pack.
  3. Cut 12 circles, slightly larger than thediameter of the holes.
  4. Gently press pastry circles into the non-stick mini muffin tray cups.
  5. Fill each pastry cup with 1 tbsp of strawberry jam. Careful not to overfill.
  6. Bake in a pre-heatedoven at 180 C for 15-18 min until jam is bubbling and pastry turns golden.
  7. Allow to cool slightly in pan, then remove and fully cool on wire rack. Jam will set as it cools.


  • Careful HOT JAM BURNS! Be patient before eatingyour delicious jam tarts.
  • Puff pastry sheets may be substituted if you can't find shortcrust.
  • Other fruit jams may be used in place of strawberry jam. Raspberry, Apricot or plum jam make good substitutions.
  • A non-stick 12 cup mini muffin pan is recommended for this recipe.
Nutrition Information:

Yield: 12 Serving Size: 1
Amount Per Serving: Calories: 62Total Fat: 1gSaturated Fat: 1gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 0gCholesterol: 4mgSodium: 28mgCarbohydrates: 12gFiber: 0gSugar: 7gProtein: 1g

Nutritional information is an estimate only and may vary depending on ingredients used.

Mini Strawberry Jam Tarts - Easy 2 Ingredient Recipe | My Poppet Living (17)

Mini Strawberry Jam Tarts - Easy 2 Ingredient Recipe | My Poppet Living (18)

Mini Strawberry Jam Tarts - Easy 2 Ingredient Recipe | My Poppet Living (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.